Telangana Group 1 Exam Section Process
Candidates who have applied for the Telangana Gr-I Jobs 2018 will be shortlisted on the basis 3 rounds/ phases.
- Phase 1 is for the Preliminary Exam – 150 Marks.
- Section Phase 2 is the Mains Exam – 900 Marks.
- Phase 2 is for the Personal Interview – 100 Marks.
In each exam, applicants have to try to achieve the TSPSC Group-I Exam Cut-off 2018 to become eligible for the next round. In any phase aspirants fail to score minimum cut-off marks will be directly disqualified from the process. Once the board will release the Telangana PSC Gr-I Cut-off 2018 for prelims and mains we can update here.
Those who successfully clear the 1st round of the exam by getting TSPSC Gr-I Prelims Cutoff 2018 and qualify in Basic English will have to attend the TSPSC Mains Examination 2018. This paper will be of 900 marks shall have to complete in the given time. The question paper is objective types and related to various topics (given above).
Preliminary Examination Syllabus:
General Science, Current events of international importance and national and importance, India History, AP/Telangana History, Geography of World and also Geography of India with a more focus on Telangana/AP, polity and Economy of Indian and AP/Telangana, in Mental ability – reasoning and inferences, General knowledge & Disaster management.
Mains Examination Syllabus:
Paper 1– General Essay on Present issues of national, Political of Indian, Indian History and Indian Cultural issues, Development of Technologies, human resources development & Education.
Paper 2 – History, Cultural & Geography.
Paper 3– Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements and the Indian Constitution.
Paper 4– Indian and Telangana economy, Development and also Environment problems.
Paper-5 – Science & Technology role, Modern trends Knowledge of Science, and also Data Interpretation along with Problem Solving.
Paper 6 – Telangana movement, Formation of Telangana, and Mobilisation phase.