APPSC Group 1 Notification:
The Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is going to announce a huge notification with vast number of posts On the occasion of successfully completed 1500 days of his government. The notification includes AP-DSC, Group-1,Group-2,Group-3 and Group-4 posts. The detailed updates will be announced soon on the official site https://psc.ap.gov.in/
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission is going to recruit 169 candidates for Group 1 Posts. Applications are invited against APPSC Group 1 Notification through online mode from willing personnel.
Candidates who are looking for APPSC Latest Jobs can avail this opportunity by applying against APPSC Group 1 Notification 2018. APPSC Group 1 Notification Apply Online Link will active soon on manabadi.co.in and APPSC website.
Before applying for the post, applicant shall register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Profile Registration. Applicants can fill the APPSC Group 1 Online Application Form till the Second Week of December 2018.
In this we are giving detailed information about APPSC Group 1 Vacancies list, eligibility criteria, age relaxation, admit card details etc.
APPSC Group-1 Services 2018 General Recruitment Notification
Tentatively the Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) is likely to be held on 10/03/2019 in offline mode.
Tentatively the Main examination (Conventional type) likely to be held from 10/06/2019 to 22/06/2019.
Important Dates:
Date of Notification | 31st December 2018 |
APPSC Group 1 Recruitment Apply Online Link will active | 07-01-2019 to 28-01-2019 |
APPSC Group 1 Notification 2018 Payment Fee Last Date | 27-01-2019 |
APSPSC Group 1 Preliminary Test | 10-03-2019 |
APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Date | from 10/06/2019 to 22/06/2019. |
APPSC Group 1 Vacancies:
PostCodeNo. | Name of the Post | No. ofvacancies | Age as on01/07/2018
Min. Max. |
Scale of Pay Rs. |
01 | Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch). | 30 | 18-42 | 40,270-93,780/- |
02 | Assistant Commissioner of State Tax in Andhra Pradesh State Tax Services. | 05 | 18–42 | 40,270-93,780/- |
03 | Deputy Supdt. of Police (Civil) Cat-2 in A.P. Police Service. | 24 | 21–28 | 40,270-93,780/- |
04 | Deputy Supdt. of Jails (MEN) in
A.P. Jail Service. |
01 | 18–28 | 37,100-91,450/- |
05 | District Fire Officers in A.P. Fire Service. | 01 | 21–26 | 37,100-91,450/- |
06 | Asst. Treasury Officer/Asst. Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts Service. | 13 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
07 | Regional Transport Officers in
A.P. Transport Service. |
05 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
08 | Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent in A.P. Excise Service. | 10 | 18–26 | 35,120-87,130 |
09 | Mandal Parishad Development Officer in A.P. Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Service. | 36 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
10 | District Registrars in A.P. Registration Service. | – | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
11 | District Employment Officer in
A.P. Employment Exchange Service. |
– | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
12 | Deputy Registrars in A.P. Cooperative Service. | – | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
13 | District Tribal Welfare Officer in
A.P. Tribal Welfare Service. |
– | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
14 | District Social Welfare Officer in
A.P. Social Welfare Service. |
– | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
15 | District B.C. Welfare Officer in
A.P. B.C. Welfare Service. |
– | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
16 | District Panchayat Officers in
A.P. Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Service. |
– | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
17 | Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration Services. | – | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
18 | Administrative Officer / Lay Secretary & Treasurer Grade.II in A.P. Medical and Health (Administration) Service. | – | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
19 | Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. State Audit Service. | – | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
TOTAL | 125 |
PostCodeNo. | Name of the Post | No. ofvacancies | Age as on01/07/2018
Min. Max. |
Scale of Pay Rs. |
01 | Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch). | – | 18-42 | 40,270-93,780/- |
02 | Assistant Commissioner of State Tax in A.P. State Tax Services. | 03 | 18–42 | 40,270-93,780/- |
03 | Deputy Supdt. of Police (Civil) Cat-2 in A.P. Police Service. | 04 | 21–28 | 40,270-93,780/- |
04 | Deputy Supdt. of Jails (MEN) in
A.P. Jail Service. |
01 | 18–28 | 37,100-91,450/- |
05 | District Fire Officers in A.P. Fire Service. | – | 21–26 | 37,100-91,450/- |
06 | Asst. Treasury Officer/Asst. Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts Service. | – | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
07 | Regional Transport Officers in
A.P. Transport Service. |
– | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
08 | Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent in A.P. Excise Service. | 01 | 18–26 | 35,120-87,130 |
09 | Mandal Parishad Development Officer in A.P. Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Service. | 12 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
10 | District Registrars in A.P. Registration Service | 01 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
11 | District Employment Officer in
A.P. Employment Exchange Service. |
02 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
12 | Deputy Registrars in A.P. Cooperative Service | 02 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
13 | District Tribal Welfare Officer in
A.P. Tribal Welfare Service. |
01 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
14 | District Social Welfare Officer in
A.P. Social Welfare Service. |
01 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
15 | District B.C. Welfare Officer in
A.P. B.C. Welfare Service. |
01 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
16 | District Panchayat Officers in A.P. Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Service. | 01 | 18–42 | 37,100-91,450/- |
17 | Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration Services. | 01 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
18 | Administrative Officer / Lay Secretary & Treasurer Grade.II in A.P. Medical and Health (Administration) Service. | 06 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
19 | Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. State Audit Service. | 07 | 18–42 | 35,120-87,130/- |
Total | 44 |
Qualification for APPSC Group 1 Recruitment:
A candidate should possess the academic qualifications and experience including practical experience prescribed, if any, for the post on the date of the notification for direct recruitment issued by the concerned recruiting agency.
01 | Must hold the Bachelor’s Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or the Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification. |
02 | Must possess a Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other equivalent recognized qualification. |
03 | He holds a Bachelor’s Degree of any University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or of an Institution recognized by the UGC or equivalent qualification |
04 | Must possess a Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or State Act or other recognized equivalent qualifications. |
05 | He holds a Degree of Engineering (Fire) of any University recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualifications.
Provided that if no candidates with B.E (Fire) qualification are available, candidates with the Degree in any discipline will be considered. As per Rule -5 (i)(ii) of G.O.Ms.No.574, Home (Prisons .A) Dept., dated: 30.09.1991. |
06 | A degree in Commerce or Economics or Mathematics or a University Recognized by the UGC with at least a 2nd class in the subject, or A Chartered Accountants of the United Kingdom or India or an incorporated Accountant (London) |
07 | Must possess a Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other equivalent qualification. |
08 | Must hold a Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a provincial Act or a State Act or of an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. |
09 | Must have possessed a Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University in India or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification. |
10 | Must hold a Bachelor Degree of a Recognized University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualification. |
11 | A Bachelor’s Degree from a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or a provincial Act or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the University Grants Commission. |
12 | Must possess a Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other equivalent qualification. |
13 | Must possess Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under provincial Act, Central Act, State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. |
14 | Must possess a bachelor’s Degree of any University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or provincial Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission.
Provided that preference shall be given to persons possessing a Degree in Sociology or Social work. (Please see para -15.6). |
15 | Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or a provincial Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualifications. |
16 | Must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University in India or incorporated by or under a Central Act, provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification. |
17 | Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or Provisional Act, or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. |
18 | Must possess a bachelor’s Degree of any University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act, provincial Act or a State Act or the institutions recognized by University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification. |
19 | Must hold a Degree of a University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other equivalent qualification. |
APPSC Group 1 Fees Details:
Applicants have to pay fee via online mode to apply for Andhra Pradesh PSC Group 1 Latest Jobs. The payment of fee will be done via online mode by using Credit/ Debit card or Net Banking.
Category | Amount (in Rs.) |
Unreserved Candidates | Rs. 250/- + Rs. 120/- (Exam Fee) |
SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men Candidates | Rs. 250/- |
Age Relaxation for APPSC Group 1:
Candidates who are going to apply for Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 1 Recruitment their age should not be below 18 years whereas the upper age should not be above 42 years. Upper age relaxation will be provided to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per government rules for APPSC Group 1 Recruitment Notification.
Age Relaxation: The upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable in the following cases:
Category of candidates | Relaxation of age
permissible for APPSC Group 1 Notification |
Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months. | 3 Years |
A.P. State Government Employees (Employees of APSEB, APSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities etc. are not eligible). | 5 Years based on the
length of regular service. |
Ex-serviceman and Serving persons of the Armed Forces of the Union, | 3 years & length of |
who are seeking re- employment one year before the completion of the specified terms of engagement covered under Rule 12(c)(i) & explanation to Rule 2(16) of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 | service rendered in the armed forces. |
N.C.C.(who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) | 3 Years & length of service |
Physically Handicapped persons | 10 Years |
Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried and belonging to SC/ST category covered under Rule 12(b)(iii) of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 with reference to posts of Junior Assistants | Upper age limit is 48 years |
Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried and not belonging to SC/ST category covered under Rule 12(b)(iii) of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 with reference to posts of Junior Assistants | Upper age limit is 43 years |
Selection Process:
- Preliminary Examination
- Mains Examination
- Interview Round
Scheme & Syllabus for APPSC Group 1 Jobs:
Subject Name | Questions | Duration Minutes | Maximum Marks | |
Screening Examination | ||||
Screening Test (Objective Type) Paper -I General Studies. This paper consists of 04 parts i.e., ABCD each part carries 30 marks
120 Questions | 120 Minutes | 120 Marks | |
Screening Test (Objective Type) Paper -II General Aptitude This paper consists 2 parts i.e., A and B each part carries 60 Marks (Part-A – 60 Marks, Part -B (i) – 30 Marks and B (ii) – 30 Marks).
120 Questions | 120 Minutes | 120 Marks |
Note 1: NEGATIVE MARKS: As per G.O. Ms. No.235 Finance (HR-I, Plg & Policy) Dept.,Dt.06/12/2016, for each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
Paper in Telugu | Qualifying Nature | 180 minutes | 150 Marks |
Paper in Telugu | Qualifying Nature | 180 minutes | 150 Marks |
Paper – I
General Essay – on contemporary themes and issues of regional, national and international importance. |
180 minutes | 150 Marks | |
Paper – II
History and Cultural and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh |
180 minutes | 150 Marks | |
Paper – III
Polity, constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics |
180 minutes | 150 Marks | |
Paper – IV
Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh |
180 minutes | 150 Marks | |
Paper – V
Science, Technology and Environmental Issues |
180 minutes | 150 Marks | |
INTERVIEW | 75 Marks | ||
TOTAL MARKS | 825 Marks |
Physical Requirements for Prohibition & Excise Sub Inspector Post:
- Must not be less than 167.6 Cms. in height.
- Must not be less than 86.3 Cms. round the Chest on full expiration with a minimum expansion of 5 Cms.
- Provided if ST candidates with above measurements are not available, it may be relaxed the requisite height and it shall not be less than 164 Cms.
- Must not be less than 152.5 Cms. in height for APPSC Group 1 Notification.
- Must not weigh less than 45.5 Kgs.
APPSC Group 1 Admit Card:
Candidates who had successfully applied for APPSC Advertisement can download their APPSC Group 1 Hall Ticket from official website. To download APPSC Admit Card, applicants should have valid registration number. Aspirants are advised to carry APPSC Group 1 Call Letter with the valid photo ID proof at the day of examination.
APPSC Group II Answer Key:
After successfully completion of APPSC Group II Recruitment Exam, the commission will issue the answer key for all sets within 15 days. Applicants can download APPSC Group 1 Exam Answer Key via online mode according to paper set and cross checks the answers.
APPSC Group 1 Result:
Applicants can download their APPSC Group II Result via official website by using their roll no. Contenders who will qualify in written exam will be called for interview. After that, final result will be declared on the basis of exam and interview marks.
Important Dates:
Date of Notification | 31st December 2018 |
APPSC Group 1 Recruitment Apply Online Link will active | 07-01-2019 to 28-01-2019 |
APPSC Group 1 Notification 2018 Payment Fee Last Date | 27-01-2019 |
APSPSC Group 1 Preliminary Test | 10-03-2019 |
APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Date | from 10/06/2019 to 22/06/2019. |
How to apply Online for APPSC Group 1 Posts Application Registration
- Visit the APPSC official portal, psc.ap.gov.in
- On the homepage, search for APPSC Group II notification 2018 pdf
- Click on it and go through all the details clearly.
- Also, the aspirants can find the ‘APPSC Group 1 Online application form 2018’ on the website.
- Click on it and fill up all the required details.
- Attach the needed copies of scanned documents (educational proofs, identity proof, signature, photo etc).
- Now, pay the application fee using any debit/credit cards.
- Re-check the entire application thoroughly once to avoid the mistakes.
- Now, tap on the submit button to send the application form.
- The acknowledgment of the application will be sent by the organization
- Take a printout of the acknowledgment and keep it safe for further usage