PUBLIC SERVICES – Recruitment – Filling up of vacant posts through Direct Recruitment – Permission to the Recruiting Agencies – Accorded-Orders – Issued.
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G.O.MS.No. 153 Dated: 19-09-2018
Read the following:-
- O.Ms.No.110, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, dated: 17.6.2016.
- O. Note No.Fin.30028/3/2016, dt. 06-09-2017.
- Proposals received from various departments.
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O R D E R:
Government is contemplating for filling up of vacant direct recruitment posts existing in various departments and the Secretariat Departments. Accordingly, necessary indents have been called for from all the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Departments in the reference second read above.
- Based on the proposals received from all the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Departments, the Government after careful examination, hereby accord permission for direct recruitment to fill in a total 18450 (eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty) vacancies in different categories including the categories that are classified as Group-I (182- posts), Group-II (337-posts), Group-III (1670-posts), Police Executive (3000- posts), Medical (1604-posts) and Others (1657-posts) and also Teaching posts (9275-posts) and Lecturers (725-posts) in various categories through direct recruitment from the respective recruiting agencies.
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- The particulars of the vacant direct recruitment posts as indicated in para-2 above are mentioned in annexures appended to this order.
- All the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Administrative Departments shall take necessary action to furnish the details of all vacant posts authorised in this orders including the Zone/District-wise vacancy position, roaster points and qualifications etc., to the respective recruiting agencies concerned immediately.
- The G.O. is available on internet and can be accessed at the address http://www.goir.ap.gov.in and http://www.apfinance.gov.in
The Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission, Vijayawada
The Chairman, A.P State Level Police Recruitment Board, Vijayawada The Special Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary of all
Administrative Departments concerned. The Heads of Departments concerned
Copy to:-
The Special Chief Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister The P.S to Hon’ble Minister for Finance
The P.S to the Chief Secretary to Government
The P.S to Principal Finance Secretary to Government SF/SCs
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Sl | Name of Sectt Dept | Name of the Department/ Unit | Name of the Post | Permission | |
No | accorded | ||||
1. | Revenue Department | C.C.L.A. | Deputy Collectors | 30 | |
2. | Commissioner, Commercial Taxes | Commercial Tax Officer | 5 | ||
3. | Commissioner, Prob. & Excise | Asst. Prob. & Excise | 10 | ||
Dept. | Superintendents. | ||||
4. | Home Department | DG,Disaster Response & Fire | District Fire Officer | 1 | |
Services | |||||
5. | DG, Prisons & Correctional | Dy. Superintendent of Jails | 1 | ||
Services | |||||
6. | DGP | DSP(Civil) | 24 | ||
7. | Finance Department | Director of Treasuries & Accounts | ATO/AAO | 13 | |
8. | TR&B Department | Transport Commissioner | RTO | 5 | |
9. | Commr PR&RD | MPDO | 93 | ||
TOTAL | 182 | ||||
GROUP-II | |||||
1. | Legislature Secretariat | Legislature Secretariat | Asst., Section Officer | 12 | |
General | |||||
2. | Administration | GA (SU.II) Dept., | Asst., Section Officer | 150 | |
Department, A.P | |||||
Secretariat | |||||
3. | A&C Department | Registrar of Coop Societies | Asst., Registrar | 23 | |
4. | Finance Department, | Finance Department | Asst., Section Officer | 15 | |
A.P Secretariat | |||||
5. | Law Department, A.P | Law Department | Asst., Section Officer | 2 | |
Secretariat | |||||
6. | PR & RD Department | Commr PR&RD | Extn., Officer | 40 | |
7. | Revenue Department | CCLA | Dy. Tahsildar | 16 | |
8. | Commissioner, Endowments | Executive Officer Gr.I | 6 | ||
9. | MA&UD Department | CDMA | Municipal Commr., Gr.III | 3 | |
10. | Finance Department | Director of Works and Accounts | Senior Accountants | 20 | |
11. | Revenue | Commissioner, Prob. & Excise | Excise Sub-Inspectors | 50 | |
Dept. | |||||
TOTAL | 337 |
1. | PR&RD Department | Commissioner, Panchayat Raj | Panchayat Secretary | 1000 | |
2. | Revenue Department | CCLA | Junior Assistant-cum – | 670 | |
Computer Assistant | |||||
TOTAL | 1670 |
1. | Home Dept. | DGP | PC(Civil) | 1600 | |
2. | PC(AR) | 300 | |||
3. | PC(APSP) | 300 | |||
4. | SI(Civil) | 150 | |||
5. | RSI(AR) | 75 | |||
6. | RSI(APSP) | 75 | |||
7. | Home (Cts) Dept | Director of Prosecutions | Asst Public Prosecutor | 50 | |
8. | Home Department | DG, Disaster Response & Fire | Station Fire Officer | 20 | |
Services | |||||
9. | Driver Operator | 30 | |||
10. | Firemen | 400 | |||
TOTAL | 3000 |
Medical & Health
1. | HM&FW Department | Director of Medical education | Asst. Professors | 243 |
2. | Director PH&FW | Civil Asst. Surgeons | 1171 | |
3. | Commr. APVVP | Spl. Civil Asst. Surgeons | 155 | |
4. | Dental Asst. Surgeons | 35 | ||
TOTAL | 1604 |
1. | Education (HE-Tech.) | Commissioner, Technical | Polytechnic Lecturers | 310 | |
Dept. | Education | ||||
Commissioner, Intermediate | Junior Lecturers in | ||||
2. | Intermediate Education | 200 | |||
Education | |||||
Department | |||||
3. | Social Welfare | Secretary, APREI Society | Junior College Lecturers | 10 | |
Department | |||||
4. | Degree College Lecturers | 5 | |||
5. | Higher Education | Commissioner, Collegiate | Degree College Lecturers | 200 | |
Department | Education | ||||
TOTAL | 725 |
1. | Legislature Secretariat | Legislature Secretariat | English Reporter | 3 | |
2. | Legislative Officer | 3 | |||
3. | Research Officer | 2 | |||
4. | Telugu Reporter | 5 | |||
5. | Asst., Telugu Translator | 2 | |||
6. | Home Department | DG, Pri. & Correctional Services | Warder | 100 | |
7. | Warder(Women) | 23 | |||
8. | Dy. Jailor(Male) | 10 | |||
9. | Dy. Jailor(Women) | 4 | |||
10. | TR&B Department | ENC(R&B) | AEE | 25 | |
11. | Transport Commissioner | AMVI | 20 | ||
12. | LET&F Department | Director of Boilers | Inspector of Boilers | 2 | |
13. | EFS & T Department | PCCF | FRO | 20 | |
14. | FSO | 50 | |||
15. | FBO | 330 | |||
16. | ABO | 100 | |||
17. | Energy & I&I Dept., | Dir. of Electrical Safety | Asst Electrical Inspector | 2 | |
18. | A&C Department | Commissioner of Agriculture | Agriculture Officer | 25 | |
19. | Commissioner of Horticulture | Horticulture Officer | 17 | ||
20. | Sericulture Officer | 13 | |||
21. | AHDDF Dept | Director, Animal Husbandry | Veterinary Asst Surgeon | 256 | |
22. | Finance Department | Director of Works & Accounts | Divisional Accounts | 20 | |
Officer(W) | |||||
23. | PR&RD Department | ENC PR&RD (Eng Wing) | A.E.Es. | 66 | |
24. | W. R. Department. | ENC (WR) | A.E.Es. | 50 | |
25. | ENC (WR) | A.Es. | 50 | ||
26. | PR&RD Department | CE (RWS&S) | Section Officers (AE/AEE) | 126 | |
27. | WCD,DW & SCs | WD&CW Dept | Extn Officer Gr.I | 100 | |
Dept. | (Supervisor) | ||||
28. | Revenue Dept. | Commissioner, Endowment | Asst Commissioner | 7 | |
29. | Asst Engineer | 3 | |||
30. | Executive Officer Gr.III | 60 | |||
31. | AHDDF Dept | Commissioner of Fisheries | Asst Director of Fisheries | 12 | |
32. | G.A.(I&PR) Dept. | Commissioner, I & P.R. | D.P.R.Os. | 4 | |
33. | D.E.I.Es. | 5 | |||
34. | A.P.R.Os. | 12 | |||
35. | Revenue Dept. | Commr, Prob. & Excise Dept. | Excise Constables | 100 | |
36. | Education Dept. | Dir., Zilla Grandhalaya Samstha | Librarians Gr.II | 5 | |
37. | Librarians Gr.III | 25 | |||
TOTAL | 1657 |
1. | Education Department | Commissioner, School Education | DSC 2018 (ZP, MPP) | 5000 | |
2. | Municipal Vacancies | 1100 | |||
3. | Tribal Welfare | Commissioner, Tribal Welfare | Teaching Posts in | 1100 | |
Department | Gurukulam | ||||
4. | Social Welfare | Commissioner, Social Welfare | Social welfare Residential | 750 | |
Department | Educational Institutions | ||||
5. | Tribal Welfare | Commissioner, Tribal Welfare | Ashram School (Schedule | 500 | |
Department | areas) | ||||
6. | Ashram School (Non- | 300 | |||
Schedule areas) | |||||
7. | B.C Welfare | B. C. Welfare Residential | 350 | ||
Department | Schools | ||||
8. | Social Welfare | AP REI Society (Teachers | 175 | ||
Department | |||||
TOTAL | 9275 |
Sl.No | Category | No. of Posts |
1 | Group.I | 182 |
2 | Group.II | 337 |
3 | Group.III | 1670 |
4 | Home | 3000 |
5 | Medical & Health | 1604 |
6 | Lecturers | 725 |
7 | Others | 1657 |
8 | Teaching | 9275 |
TOTAL | 18450 |