APPSC Group 1 Exam Selection Process Details
The Andhrapradesh State Public Service Commission (APPSC) Examination.
Preliminary Examination
Main’s Examination
Preliminary and Main’s examination. The Preliminary examination is conducted in order to shortlist the number of candidates for Main Examination. This exam comprising of General Studies & Mental Ability & the paper contains 150 objective type questions carries 150 maximum marks, 2½ hours is the time duration for the examination. Candidates who qualified in first stage preliminary exam are selected for second stage Main examination in 1:50 ratio. The Main examination consists of five conventional type papers with conventional type questions .They are Paper – I, II, III, IV, V and one General English paper .The General English paper is of qualifying in nature and the paper is in S.S.C standard and this paper marks are not counted for Final Ranking. Each Paper carries 150 marks and 3 hours time duration .Total marks for Main examination is 750 marks. Separate minimum qualifying marks will be given for Reservation candidates.
Candidates who scored minimum qualifying marks in Main Examination will be called for Interview in 1:2 ratio on merit basis. Maximum marks for Interview is 75. Total marks for both written exam and interview is 825. Minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST/PH candidate’s is 247.50/825 , for BC’s 288.75/825 and others 330/825 . In this interview commission will ask questions from attitude’s, decision makings, leadership qualities etc.
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