APPSC Group 2 Exam Details
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission’s (APPSC) Group 2 Exam Pattern details are given below…
APPSC Group 2 Exam Conducts in Two Stages:
- Written Examination (Objective Type) (Degree Standard)
- Interview/Document Verification
- Written Examination: The written examination conducted by APPSC is of objective type mode which includes Paper I, II & III.
- The selections to these posts will be based on the marks/merit obtained by the candidates in the Written examination subject to rule of reservation, local reservation etc. duly following special representation as laid down in General Rule-22 and 22-A of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, and also with due regard to special / technical qualifications if any.
- Candidates must appear for all the three papers in written examination.
- There will be no waiting list. If eligible candidates are not available, such vacancies will be carried forward to the next notification.
- Interview/Document Verification: Candidates have to produce Original documents and other particulars at the time of verification.